
NOA Advocates Safety Awareness to Stop Fire Outbreak

Lanre Onilu
Director General, National Orientation Agency, Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu

The Director General of the National Orientation Agency, Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu has said preventive measures through awareness will equip citizens of the necessary information to help prevent fire outbreaks.

While receiving a delegation from the Nigerian Humanitarian Action, an Non governmental organisation focusing on fire prevention initiative and global development network, he advocated for a sustained enlightenment of citizens to stop incessant fire outbreaks in the country.

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While commiting the Agency to a collaboration, Issa-Onilu said preventive measures through awareness will equip the citizens of the necessary information to help prevent fire outbreaks.

He endorsed the organisation,s proposal to attract fire extinguisher firms to the country to set up plants especially since 95 percent of components can be sourced from Nigeria.

The chairman of Proponent Council of NIHA, Dr. Kletsaint Akor had while outlining their new initiative said the team will participate in both the United States and Nigeiran fire prevention exhibition and expo in October to further consolidate on its work with the global network of fire associations.

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