The International Association for Innovations in Education Assessment (IAIIEA) has said it will hold its 6th Annual Conference on 16th-20th of October, 2023 at Anchor University, Ayobo, Lagos.
Hon. Mike Egbayelo disclosed this in a press statement.
He said ” The theme for the Conference is: ” Digitalized Educational Assessment for Entrepreneurial Productivity” ; however, other sub themes include:” Broad Based Curriculum Development For the 21st Century Skills”; and” Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence as Educational Tools And Resources for Scientific Decision Making”; “Inclusive Education and Educational Assessments”, Digital Support Outlets to Educators”; and”Online Learning Accessibility To Educational Opportunities in the 21st Century”.
Hon. Egbayelo added that the Conference is an educational event and highly resourced facilitators from home and abroad will be in attendance.
” The educational event is expected to gather the best of resource persons from home and abroad who are already lined up to grace the occasion, which will attract audience from Nigeria and abroad “.
” As expected, some of the resource persons include Zarke Vukmirovic from USA, Professor A.O Afemikhe, University of Benin, Edo state, and Akinyele Ariyo from the USA.
” Others are Johnson O. Fatokun, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Lagos, who will deliver the keynote address, while Akinola O.Mosobalaje will be the lead paper presenter during the IAIIEA Conference proper” He said.