
UN Begs Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso to Return to ECOWAS

The United Nations has joined ECOWAS in persuading Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso to return to the fold of the regional bloc.

The three counties had experienced unconstitutional change of governments, and the juntas have so far ignored persuations and threats of war by ECOWAS to return their countries to constitutional order.

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To further demonstrate their adamance, the juntas withdrew their countries’ membership of ECOWAS and formed an alliance known as Alliance of Sahel States.

At its last meeting in Abuja, ECOWAS appointed President Faye of Senegal and President Faure of Togo to continue to dialogue and get the trio back to the fold.

Leaning its support for ECOWAS and parts of Africa in resolving the crises they are experiencing, the Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, Amina Mohammed, visited some of the countries having socio-economic and administrative crises, and debriefed President Tinubu on the outcome of their engagements with members of the Alliance of Sahel States.

“We met with the President and to give him a debrief on the visit of myself and delegation within West Africa, Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.

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“We went to Ethiopia also on finance mission. We were able to debrief on the proposals that he had made to try to keep the dialogue going for some of the States that we have challenges with, but at the same time, we also looked for the possibilities to include more economic development so that the people don’t suffer at the same time”, she explained.

She however stressed that it was not the mandate of the UN to negotiate on behalf of ECOWAS, but that it was supporting the leadership of ECOWAS in resolving the empasse between the regional bloc and members of the alliance.

“We are telling these countries that they must come back to a transition and a process to democracy. On the other hand, they have to look also at the development paradigm for their people. There is terrorism, but there’s also a need to look at jobs, food security and energy”, she said.

The Deputy UN Secretary-General pointed out that if the trio could display a roadmap for a return to democratic rule, they would be supported to overcome insecurity of lives, property, and food, as well as job opportunities.

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She however said their response was that they would prefer to maintain their alliance.

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