
Seme Customs Rewards Officers for Spectacular Seizures

The Nigeria Customs Service, Seme Border Command on Tuesday 11 July 2023 rewards Officers of the Command for their spectacular seizures and hard work.

Customs Area Controller, Comptroller Dear Nnadi mni disclosed this to Officers of the Command at a routine parade to appraise them as well as keep them abreast of the development in the Service and within the environment.

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20230712 100845 768x575 1The CAC appreciates officers for their good conduct and tenacity towards recent achievements.

As a reward for excellence, officers who were part of fake $6 million currency seizure, the seizure of fake International Passports as well as the seizure of donkey skin worth N10 million were awarded for their gallantry.

His words, “I want to commend all of you for your good conduct, for keeping the command as the epitome of good behaviour, congratulations”.

“It is your tenacity that has been helping us, we have made tremendous seizures that have been globally acclaimed”, he added.

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“In terms of revenue, I will also congratulate you people, we have done so much in not only securing the border, but we have also been able to raise revenue; as of yesterday our revenue has risen to over N1.159billion”, he noted

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“This is a tremendous achievement considering that our target for the year is N1.996 billion. What it means is that we have done far above half of our expected revenue target when we are just starting the second half of the year. I am very proud of you for your commitment and doggedness”, he explained.

Comptroller Nnadi urged Officers to acquaint themselves with the new Customs Act 2023, as sensitization for stakeholders will soon commence.

“Every Officer should know about the new Nigeria Customs Service Act, 2023, we have been used to Customs & Excise Management Act (CEMA), so the transition to the new Act is going to be a very difficult one if you do not study it, you cannot intervene in any Customs process if you do not know the law backing you”, he said.

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Joshua Okoria

Joshua Okoria is a Lagos based multi-skilled journalist covering the maritime industry. His ICT and graphic design skills makes him a resourceful person in any modern newsroom. He read mass communication at the Olabisi Onabanjo University and has sharpened his knowledge in media practice from several other short courses. 07030562600,

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